Dark Clouds of Deep Mercy

Then let that which broke me upon this day in a past year, now be seen as the beginning of my remaking into a Christ-follower more sympathetic, more compassionate, and more conscious of my frailty and of my daily dependence upon you; as one more invested in the hope of the resurrection of the body … More Dark Clouds of Deep Mercy

The (French) Subjunctive and the (Christian’s) Surety

What do the subjunctive verb tense in French and the surety of a believer in Christ have in common? I will attempt to explain. From my understanding, anglophones and francophones have differing definitions of hope. But is hope an expression of certainty or rather an assertion of sentiment? Additionally, what is surety and why are … More The (French) Subjunctive and the (Christian’s) Surety

What Did You Expect? (10 Things I’ve Learned In My Novice Year as a Missionary)

Have you ever heard of the book entitled, “What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage” by Paul David Tripp? I haven’t read it, and I’m not married, but I laugh as I ask myself the same question about my first year of living overseas and learning about cross-cultural missions. I tried not to … More What Did You Expect? (10 Things I’ve Learned In My Novice Year as a Missionary)

Tensions: Renunciation and Enjoyment (and the grace that keeps the train on the tracks)

Tension. Miriam Webster has several definitions, but this one stood out to me. “A balance maintained in an artistic work between opposing forces or elements.” As humans, we experience many forms of this everyday. The tension between discipline and grace, rules and freedom, truth speaking and overlooking an offense. (To be a bit more practical: … More Tensions: Renunciation and Enjoyment (and the grace that keeps the train on the tracks)